Monday, May 27, 2024

Vintage Shabby Chic suitcase upcycle


You can find these suitcases fairly inexpensive and although they make great storage alternatives and decor a little paint and some rub-ons never hurt any body! 

A little worse for the wear and these suitcases are still fairly sturdy . A good Cleaning and spray paint (white primer) on the out side to get started. I did not tape off latches or hinges it all got a coat of paint.  I also removed the interior silk it was pretty dry rotted. I did not get that on camera but it is self explanatory.  Make sure you get as much of the loose padding out so that your decoupage interior will be some what smooth.

I chose IODS transfer "Joie Des Roses" for the exterior.  I rubbed it directly on to the primer paint, sanded a few edges and latches to distress it and then sealed the whole suit case with matte clear coat and let it dry for hours before handling it.  The interior was covered roughly with sheet music using matte Mod Podge.  I did not worry about wrinkles just made sure all of the surface was covered.  

It had a vintage unused luggage tag attached and I cleaned it up and put if back on it matches the colors in the transfers.

She is ready to be decor with storge or just decor.  I guess you could use it but not sure how well the rub on would hold up to travel.  

Happy Up Cycling!



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