Monday, July 3, 2023

Woman cave, She Shed, work shop Up Date.

There is nothing romantic or dreamy about the woman cave.  It does not have chintz curtains and a comfy reading chair although there is nothing wrong with that.  It does not have scented candles, white washed anything or ship lap.  What it does have: Tools, paint and brushes, Daddy's Pipe clamps, glue gun a Worx Pegasus work table, vintage craftsman work bench/toolbox, vintage planers, air compressor, memories and storage.  

For many years I had the opportunity to rent retail space in an antique store.   I was storing things  to refurbish, upcycle and items for resale.  The success of that endeavor motivated Mr. RTI to build me a work shop. 

We recycled the back door and windows from a house project .  I loved this little building but had a creative fit that Mr. RTI heard "it would be so cute with a little porch and pergola on the front".

He surprised me!  

Here is sits today, with the addition of a lean too, decking and pedestal sink with running water.  Great place to rinse brushes and knock the dirt off of veggies. 

The door needs cleaning and the drop and leave method of organization needs to be cleaned up on the inside.  This is a "room" I like to be in.  I now do small projects here just for my home and yard.  

The Pipe clamps were my Dads.  They stand in the corner and every time I see them I thank Daddy for teaching me todo many things that are taunted as mans work.  His advice " you may not be able to depend on a man to do these things.  I want you to be prepared to take care of your self."  Before I could get behind the wheel of a car I had to, on my own, remove a tire and put it back on. That lesson has paid off many times.

The craftsman work bench was a gift from a family friend.  It originally came out of a manufacturing plant and is over 30 years old. It has 24 drawers and I have them all full.  

Most of my tools are Ryobi 18 volt (The airstrike I stole from Mr. RTI's shop.  SHhhhh).  with the exception of the 20 volt Dewalt Drill and driver set.  

My little Helper is sleeping on the job.

Even my yard tools are Ryobi and very efficient.

I like Ryobi tools for several reasons.  One they are light weight , two the battery life is phenomenal and three they are affordable.  

The opposite side of the shop is a work bench Mr. RTI built with some of Daddy's lumber from his shop.  

Underneath is storage mostly Christmas décor and paint.

I store my brushes on a magnetic bar designed to be used with tools.  These are my worst ones and my favorites.

It is an evolving ever changing space.  As we move through the seasons of our life our time and interest change.  What does not change is how incredibly blessed I am to have a husband that is willing to put the work into making me happy and seeing my creative dreams come to life.
Have a beautiful creative day!






  1. Amazing! Your dad would be so proud! As am I. My beautiful, talented niece, if I knew how I'd post my picture of my cabinet you re-furbished..

    1. Thank you for your kind words! and for stopping by!
